About us





Our restaurant specialises in serving traditional Chinese cuisine, including noodles, dumplings, and a variety ofdishes. We take pride in making fresh noodles, dumplings, wontons, and unique sauces in-house every day since our establishment in 2013. Because of its excellent food quality, it is deeply loved by new and old customers. 






所以他为自己的餐厅取名为Maru bi, 这是上海话马路边的谐音,隐含的意思就是马路边的美食,美味并且价格实惠。

在Ma r ubi筹建前期,韩先生特意回中国拜名师学习制作面条和各种dumplings 的技术,并且取得优异成绩。
The history of Marubi, the cherished Berlin restaurant, is deeply rooted in the life journey of its owner, Mr. Han.
Born and raised amidst the vibrant culinary tapestry of Shanghai, China, Mr. Han's origins hold a tale of gastronomic passion.

Shanghai, with its unique historical backdrop, emerged as a bustling international epicentre, drawing connoisseurs of delectable cuisine from all corners of the globe. Mr. Han's childhood was woven into the fabric of Sichuan North Road, an illustrious food haven in Shanghai.

This renowned street boasted an array of gourmet establishments, each unassumingly capturing diners' hearts with their genuinely authentic and mouth watering fare.

The narrative of Marubi unfolds as Mr. Han embarked on a new chapter of his life in Germany. Fuelled by a deepdesire to share the culinary treasures of his hometown with the discerning palates of Berlin, he named his restaurant "Marubi." The name, a clever homage to the Shanghai dialect, is a homonym for "roadside" or "street-side," evoking memories of his community upbringing. It embodies the essence of home-cooked, heartwarming dishes, beckoning patronswith a reminder of that beloved hometown eatery, where the food is delightful, the hosts warm, and the prices friendly.

To ensure an unparalleled dining experience for his guests, Mr. Han embarked on a culinary pilgrimage back to China. There, he sought the guidance of expert chefs, diligently mastering theart of crafting noodles, dumplings, wontons, and more. His dedication yielded excellent results, adding another layer to the rich history of Marubi. 





At Marubi, we take great pride in our culinary craftsmanship and serve a diverse array of delectable specialities. Our menu showcases an array ofdelectable offerings, including a variety of Noodle soups and Ban Mian, where the noodles are handmade every day to ensure the highest qualityand a perfect al dente texture. Our soups are rich in collagen, ensuring not only a nutritious but also a truly flavoursome experience.

A standout feature of Marubi is our freshly homemade Shanghai-style wontons, meticulously folded one at a time, bursting with rich fillings that transport you to the alleys of Shanghai withevery bite. Likewise, our Pan-fried dumplings are a crispy revelation on the outside, concealing juicy, tender goodness within.

For our friends with diverse dietary preferences, Marubi offers an array of vegan, vegetarian, and pescatarian dishes, from traditional Shanghai-style wontons to an assortment of noodle and rice creations that await your indulgence. Our mission is to bring the flavours of China to Berlin, preserving the spirit of perseverance and excellence that defines traditional Chinese cuisine.

Join us on a culinary adventure thatcelebrates the artistry of Chinese cooking like never before. 

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We Do Noodles Right

Schönhauseallee 187, 10119 Berlin
030 473 788 58
© 2023 Marubi. All right reserved.